Varanasi, October 10, 2010: Indian Institute of Crop Processing Technology (IIPCT), Tamil Nadu, National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management (NIFTEM) and the Centre of Food Science and Technology (CFST) of Institute of Agricultural Sciences (IAS), Banaras Hindu University (BHU) jointly organized a one day Orientation Training Programme on “Food Processing for Farmers”. The programme was supported by Union Ministry of the Food Processing Industries (MoFPI), under their mandate to promote public awareness on value addition to agricultural produce.
Speaking on the occasion, chief guest and BHU Rector Prof BD Singh said: “Farmers are backbone of the nation they should come forward to support the nation by adopting progressive farming and agro-processing.”
In his presidential address Ajit Kumar, Joint Secretary, Union Ministry of Food Processing Industries gave a brief account of the activities of the Ministry. He said: “Presently 1/3rd of country’s food production is wasted due to storage and warehousing problems. Farmers should come forward to join hand with the Ministry, which is soon going to strengthen food chain in the country in such a way that farmers will get better price of their produce”.
The Ministry would introduce Primary Processing Centre (PPC) in all Panchayats or blocks during the twelfth five year plan”, he said.
Professor SR Singh, Director,
Dr. Alok Jha, Programme Coordinator, CFST, IAS, BHU highlighted entrepreneurial opportunities in food processing and gave detailed information on various government support schemes related to food processing sector relevant to farmers.
During technical sessions of the programme, speakers covered different value addition options to agro-produce of eastern region of Uttar Pradesh as an income enhancing opportunity. Prof. DS Singh of Farm Engineering suggested low cost options of cereal and pulse processing. Dr. Tanveer Alam gave valuable deliberation on dairy farming and novel dairy products.
An interactive session was addressed by Dr. HB Singh, Dr. Rajesh Singh, Dr. R. K. Singh, Dr. Asuhotosh Upadhyay, Dr. DS Bunkar and other faculty members of BHU along with IIPCT Scientist Dr. Surabhi.
About 400 farmers of
Source: PPP Cell-BHU
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