Banaras Hindu University Chancellor Dr Karan Singh on Wednesday said that BHU should come forward to initiate an Institute for Peace, Conflict and Inter-Faith Studies and take leading role in these studies. Dr Singh was addressing the court meeting of the university.
Going at a length on education, he said the four pillars of education are; learning to know; learning to do; learning to live together and learning to be.
He said the BHU annual report clearly recognizes that human personality is a multifaceted and multidimensional entity, and that education in its broadest sense must take cognizance of all these dimensions.
Earlier, Professor DP Singh, vice-chancellor, presented the annual report of BHU before the court. The member appreciated the achievements of the university and the court approved the report.
Dr. Karan Singh referred the report to UNESCO’s International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century.
Speaking on the occasion, Kalraj Mishra, MP, said BHU should seek funds from Ministry of Health. At present the university has been getting funds form University Grant Commission (UGC) only. Raja of Ramnagar Fort, Dr Ananat Narain Singh and Prof. (Ms) S Chooramani Gopal, Vice-Chancellor of KGMU, Lucknow supported the view.
Earlier, Dr Karan Singh arrived here by morning flight form New Delhi to attend the BHU court meeting. He was received by Vice-Chancellor Prof DP Singh at Babatpur Airport.
The court meeting began as per schedule under the chairmanship of university Chancellor Dr Karan Singh. BHU Vice-Chancellor, Porf DP Singh and other members of court Prof. C D Singh, Maj. Gen. S N Mukherjee, Prof. (Ms) Kamal Singh, Prof. (Ms) S Chooramani Gopal, Dr. D S Rathore, Prof Lakshman Chaturvedi, Prof. S B Singh, Prof Shiv Raj Singh, Prof. (Mrs) Behrose S Gandhi, Dr (Ms) Nirmala Horo, Justice D P S Chauhan, Prof I S Chauhan, Prof S S Singh, Prof G Guru, Prof Geshe N Samten, Dr Syeda Akhtar, Prof S A Abbasi, Prof. Gyanendra Kumar Rai, Prof. S B Singh, Prof Dinesh C Patel, Prof S M Iqbal, Dr. (Mrs) Chhaya, B Mahajan, Prof. S N Chauhan, Dr. Ananat Narayan Singh and Kalraj Mishra, MP, attended the meeting.
Speaking on the occasion, Kalraj Mishra, MP, said BHU should seek funds from Ministry of Health. At present the university has been getting funds form University Grant Commission (UGC) only. Raja of Ramnagar Fort, Dr Ananat Narain Singh and Prof. (Ms) S Chooramani Gopal, Vice-Chancellor of KGMU, Lucknow supported the view.
Earlier, Dr Karan Singh arrived here by morning flight form New Delhi to attend the BHU court meeting. He was received by Vice-Chancellor Prof DP Singh at Babatpur Airport.
The court meeting began as per schedule under the chairmanship of university Chancellor Dr Karan Singh. BHU Vice-Chancellor, Porf DP Singh and other members of court Prof. C D Singh, Maj. Gen. S N Mukherjee, Prof. (Ms) Kamal Singh, Prof. (Ms) S Chooramani Gopal, Dr. D S Rathore, Prof Lakshman Chaturvedi, Prof. S B Singh, Prof Shiv Raj Singh, Prof. (Mrs) Behrose S Gandhi, Dr (Ms) Nirmala Horo, Justice D P S Chauhan, Prof I S Chauhan, Prof S S Singh, Prof G Guru, Prof Geshe N Samten, Dr Syeda Akhtar, Prof S A Abbasi, Prof. Gyanendra Kumar Rai, Prof. S B Singh, Prof Dinesh C Patel, Prof S M Iqbal, Dr. (Mrs) Chhaya, B Mahajan, Prof. S N Chauhan, Dr. Ananat Narayan Singh and Kalraj Mishra, MP, attended the meeting.
Photo captions: BHU vice-chancellor Professor DP Singh presents annual report of the university to chancellor Dr Karan Singh.
Top 2 to 4: BHU chancellor Dr Karan Singh attends the court meeting
Top 5: Dr Karan Singh meets with the other members of the court.
Top 6: A close up of Dr Karan Singh
Bottom: BHU vice-chancellor Professor DP Singh (right) receives chancellor Dr Karan Singh (left) at Babatpur airport on October 7, 2009.
Source: Press release and photographs from PPP Cell, BHU.
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