The theme of the function was “Celebrating Our Pride: BHU-Rank No. 1 in the Country” Delhi NCR Chapter of BHU Alumni Association felicitated BHU vice-chancellorProfessor DP Singh for guiding and leading the University in achieving this coveted recognition.
The BHU got first position among 140 universities in the country in the latest survey called “India’s Best Univerities” conducted by Nielson and India Today (May 31, 2010) by scoring 9 per cent higher index than its nearest rival JNU. The survey was focused on various criteria like “Reputation of the University”, “Quality of Academic Input”, “Quality of the Faculty”, “Research Publications/Reports/Projects” and “Infrastructure”.
BHU was ranked first on all these five criteria with overall first position followed by JNU second and Delhi University third. On this occasion, Professor Singh expressed his immense happiness and extended heartiest congratulations to the BHU community for its becoming instrumental in achieving this historic success.
Putting another feather in its cap, BHU again emerged as the top university in another survey conducted by Outlook and MDRA of Indian College Association of Professional Association among multi-disciplinary universities (Outlook June 28, 2010).
BHU was also ranked first for bringing out highest number of publications. It figured among the top five universities as per the Citation Index and Impact Factor of Research Publication (Current Science Vol. 97, No. 6, 25th September, 2009). Earlier BHU was ranked first by the Principal Scientific Advisor, Govt. of India, on the basis of the highest number of Bhatnagar Awardees, INSA fellows and publications in research journal.
In the function, “Wisdom for Happy Life” a book by Dr. DS Rathore, former vice-chancellor Himanchal Pradesh Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Palampur, former Assistant Director General, ICAR and currently EC member of BHU was jointly released by former Governor of Tamil Nadu, Bhisam Narayan Singh and Professor DP Singh.
This book aims to serve as a practical manual for people to learn and practise wisdom in order to lead a happy life.
In this programme, a presentation of BHU was made by Professor Rajesh Singh, Chairman, PPP Cell, BHU. The guest of the honor of the programme was former Governor of Tamil Nadu, Bhisam Narayan Singh. The programme started with welcome address by president of MMM Trust, Veena Modi. PL Jaiswal, trustee of the MMM Trust also spoke on the occasion. Hari Shankar Singh, secretary general, MMM Trust proposed a vote of thanks.
Vice Chancellor Professor DP Singh announced that Information Center of Banaras Hindu University would start functioning very shortly at the Malviya Smriti Bhawan in New Delhi.
Press release and photos from PPP Cell-BHU
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