Varanasi, January 21, 2011: An international conference on “Managing Sustainable Development of Rural Economy and Agri-Business” was organized jointly by the Department of Agricultural Economics, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Energy Commission of Nigeria, Tennessee State University (US), OLMIX (France), Fizi National University, Purdne University (US), CIMMYT (Mexico), Agro Paris Tech and Zoopole (France) and other Institutions of India.
Professor JS Rajput, former Director, NCERT,
He said vocational training of youth and old age people of country must be enhanced by increasing number of vocational training centres in private and public sectors. “This will provide opportunity of employment both urban and rural area that ultimately reduce the youth migration rural areas towards cities,” he added.
Professor AS.Sambo, DG & CEO of Energy Commission,
Banaras Hindu University Vice-Chancellor Dr DP Singh narrated the role of right education in changing attitude and approach of youth that would help in inculcating integrated approach required for sustainable development.
BHU Rector Dr. BD Singh, Dr. SR Singh, Director, I.Ag.Sc. Dr. Kalyan Singh, Dean, Faculty of Agriculture spoke on the importance of the conference. Professor Saket Kushwaha, Secretary General of ICON, BHU, highlighted the theme of conference and Dr. DC Rai proposed a vote of thanks. The programme was conducted by Dr GC Mishra.
More than 800 delegates participated in the conference and benefited by a unique Conference Expo jointly organized by more than 20 organizations of national and international repute with covering different aspects of agriculture, fisheries, environment, banking, co-operative and traditions of the country.
Business Expo was inaugurated by Professor Alain Roocreu from International Development Manager, OLMIX (France).
Source: PPP Cell-BHU
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